
When I first started photography, I loved the idea of trying my hand at boudoir. But I had NO idea where to start. Then one day someone reached out to me and asked me if I would do a session for her and I have loved it ever since. You may be wondering, “what exactly is boudoir?” I will give you my personal definition. To me, boudoir is what ever makes a person feel confident, sexy and empowered. For some, that is lingerie and full glam. For others it is an oversized jersey and long socks. There is no “right” answer. Just as there is no “right” body type, age, gender, etc. Boudoir is for EVERYONE. Seeing my clients learn to love themselves is always my “why”.

“But I’m self conscious/nervous/etc” Can I tell you a secret? We ALL are! My goal is that you leave our session laughing and feeling like a complete BADASS! I will pose you, guide you, and most importantly, I will HYPE you up!! Ready to take the plunge?? Schedule a call with me at the link below and lets get this party started!

The initial investment for a boudoir shoot is $225. This covers your session and at least 25 edited digital images. From there you have the option of adding prints, albums, a gift for that special someone (especially if that special someone is YOU!)

If you are needing hair and makeup, I can get you connected to someone locally. Shoots can happen in the comfort of your own home or mine.

Call Me!